Corey Johnson

Ministry Portfolio

Cover Letter

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:

My name is Corey Drew Johnson, and I am a graduate of the Brown Trail School of Preaching in Bedford, Texas. Since graduating in December 2014, I have been a full-time gospel preacher. While attending Brown Trail, I worked as the Youth Minister for the Bedford Church of Christ for a year and a half. I have worked at many different vocations through the years, from retail to fast food management to truck driving and have always strived to excel at each one, but I have never been as excited and fulfilled as when I am preaching and teaching God's Word and working with the brethren.

Teaching God’s Word is a passion I have had from a very young age. I have been studying and learning God’s Word from the time I was a child, and I was baptized into Christ on October 10, 1991 at the age of eleven. I grew up in a biblically sound family with parents who taught me to have a fervent love for God, both by making sure I grew up studying His Word, as well as being excellent role models for me. My mother, Shirley, would carry a notebook to church at each assembly and take notes of all the Scriptures that were used in the lessons. This made an impression on me and from a young age, I began to imitate her by also taking notes and looking up the Scriptures at home. My father, Harvey, has an immense knowledge of the Scriptures, and he and I would have many Bible studies and in-depth discussions, which helped me to become more knowledgeable and able to debate, as he liked to play “devil’s advocate” to challenge me. He also would serve on the Lord’s table, lead prayers, and he would preach for ministers when they were ill or on vacation. All of this made a lasting impression on me and caused a great desire to be active in the Lord’s church. As soon as I was old enough, I began teaching Bible classes and discovered how much I loved doing so. I have led Bible studies for adults, teenagers, and preteens at many different congregations.

My wife, Amy, and I have been married since March 15, 2004, and she has been an active member of the Lord’s church since her baptism in January 2004. Before she became a member of the Lord’s church, she was attending the Christian church, but she wasn’t sure if it was the right church, so she was seeking the truth and had a lot of questions. I was a friend of her younger sister, Sarah (whom I had converted and baptized), so Amy knew I had a good understanding of the Scriptures. She asked me if I could study the Bible with her and answer some of her questions, and after two and a half weeks of daily study, I baptized her. She has been a faithful Christian ever since. Amy attended Seward County Community College in Liberal, Kansas and earned two degrees—one in Office Technology and one in Computer Information Systems. During the three and a half years I was preaching in Hollis, Amy worked as the church secretary. She is also an experienced children's Bible class teacher who has taught in every congregation I have ministered with. During the two years I attended Brown Trail School of Preaching, Amy attended and graduated from their wives’ program. Amy and I have two children—our daughter Savannah was born November 28, 2007 and our son Elijah was born March 7, 2010 (see attached family photo).

Because I strongly believe that children are the future of the church, I have a passion for working with them and instilling a love of God and knowledge of the Scriptures in them. When I was a child, I attended Black Mesa Bible Camp every summer, and when I became a teenager, I began to serve there as a counselor and teacher. I have also served as a counselor at Green Valley Bible Camp, Inner Circle Christian Camp, and Quartz Mountain Christian Camp. As a young adult, I was active as a coach for Kids’ Incorporated Youth Soccer, which combined my love of soccer with my love for working with kids. When I was managing a Sonic Drive-In, I had many teenagers working for me, who looked to me as a role model and would sometimes come to me for advice and help with various problems and situations. I was always happy to take the time to help them in whatever way I could. When I was the Youth Minister in Bedford, I worked with a variety of young people—from those who came from Christian homes and were well-behaved to those from non-Christian homes who had behavioral issues. I ran a bus program where I would pick up kids who did not have a ride and bring them to Bible classes and services. This work was challenging but also very rewarding and fulfilling.

I am humbly grateful for this opportunity to be considered for the position, and I would like to thank you for your time. I pray that with thoughtful prayer and consideration, you will be able to find the best candidate for the position.


In Christ,

Corey Johnson

Corey Johnson and Family 2023




3039 Cherokee Ave, Camden, AR 71701

(501) 287-0778     ▪ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



My objective is to help the Lord’s church grow spiritually and numerically by working with a biblically sound congregation to obtain the mutual goal of seeking and saving that which was lost (Luke 19:10) and striving together with the adults and youth to edify them in the ways of our God through the diligent study and application of His Word (2 Timothy 2:15).




Pulpit Minister 9/30/2023—Present

Cullendale church of Christ, Camden, AR

  • Preparing and preaching two sermons for every Sunday
  • Preparing material and teaching two adult Bible classes per week
  • Preparing a weekly church bulletin
  • Writing articles for church bulletin
  • Presenting Wednesday evening devotionals
  • Presenting Lord's Supper Devotionals
  • Being actively involved in all church activities
  • Coordinating and planning Vacation Bible School
  • Teaching adult Vacation Bible School classes
  • Coordinating new mothers' outreach at community hospital
  • Personal evangelism
  • Visitation


Pulpit Minister 2/10/2023—9/29/2023

Clarendon church of Christ, Clarendon, TX

  • Preparing and preaching two sermons for every Sunday
  • Preparing material and teaching one adult Bible class per week


Pulpit Minister 12/30/2021—2/10/2023

Guy church of Christ, Guy, AR

  • Preparing and preaching two sermons for every Sunday
  • Preparing material and teaching one adult Bible class per week
  • Personal evangelism
  • Providing biblical counseling
  • Preparing and recording a daily podcast titled "Spiritual Appetizers"


Pulpit Minister 4/15/2018—12/30/2021

Allen church of Christ, Allen, OK

  • Preparing and preaching two sermons for every Sunday
  • Preparing material and teaching one adult Bible class per week
  • Preparing a weekly church bulletin
  • Being in charge of appointing men to lead singing, prayers, and serving on the Lord’s table
  • Writing a weekly article for publishing in the local newspaper
  • Personal evangelism
  • Providing biblical counseling
  • Organizing and facilitating yearly Vacation Bible School classes and activities
  • Recording a weekly podcast called “In the Days of Your Youth” for young people
  • Preparing and facilitating a yearly Youth Rally/Bible Bowl
  • Serving as a cabin counselor and teacher at Quartz Mountain Christian Camp
  • Organizing and facilitating a yearly Friends and Family Day
  • Visitation
  • Maintaining a good relationship with the community/Being active in the community
  • Maintaining a Facebook page for the church
  • Preaching funerals
  • Being actively involved in all church functions
  • Facilitating youth Bible classes


Pulpit Minister ▪ 12/16/2014 – 4/14/2018

Hollis church of Christ ▪ Hollis, OK

  • Preparing and preaching two sermons for every Sunday
  • Preparing material and teaching two adult Bible classes a week
  • Facilitating and scheduling Area Wide Singing events
  • Personal evangelism
  • Providing biblical counseling
  • Teaching a parenting class at the penitentiary in Granite, OK
  • Driving the church van to give rides to children wanting to come to services
  • Organizing and facilitating Vacation Bible School classes and activities
  • Maintaining and operating the church’s food pantry
  • Handling all benevolence requests
  • Preaching funerals
  • Handling youth and family activities when the need arises
  • Preaching one nursing home service a month
  • Being actively involved in all church functions
  • Driving youth group to Bible camp in Lone Wolf, Oklahoma
  • Serving as a cabin counselor at Quartz Mountain Christian Camp in Lone Wolf, Oklahoma
  • Visitation
  • Maintaining a good relationship with the community/Being active in the community
  • Maintaining a Facebook page for the church
  • Recording a weekly podcast called "Open That Bible" with two fellow ministers
  • Recording a weekly podcast called "In the Days of Your Youth" for young people


Youth Minister ▪ 7/14/2013 - 12/14/2014

Bedford church of Christ ▪ Bedford, TX

  • Driving the joy bus on Wednesday evenings to pick up kids ages 6 years through high school needing rides
  • Responsible for care and maintenance of joy bus
  • Facilitating and scheduling youth events
  • Driving the joy bus for any and all youth activities
  • Being available for youth mentoring
  • Facilitating meal and activities for Joy Bus youth on Wednesday evenings before services
  • Teaching teenager Bible school classes
  • Organizing and facilitating Vacation Bible School classes and activities
  • Teaching teenager Vacation Bible School classes
  • Preaching two Sunday evenings a month
  • Filling in for the pulpit minister when he is ill or on vacation
  • Planning and holding youth devotionals
  • Taking the youth group to the Summer Youth Series events
  • Using my own material for teaching Bible classes
  • Preparing and presenting monthly youth group status reports for men's business meetings
  • Being actively involved in all church functions
  • Driving youth group to Bible camp in Lone Wolf, Oklahoma
  • Serving as a cabin counselor at Bible camp in Lone Wolf, Oklahoma


Truck Driver ▪ 10/18/2012 - 12/29/2012

Crete Carrier Corporation ▪ Lincoln, NE

  • Driving a Class A Tractor Trailer on a dedicated route for the Wal-Mart distribution center in Bartlesville, OK
  • Hauling refrigerated units and dry box
  • Performing pre- and post-trip inspections
  • Backing up to multiple docks (3 to 6 docks a day) and helping unload truck at multiple stops
  • Maintaining a CDL log book


Crude Oil Truck Driver ▪ 1/20/2012 - 10/4/2012

Sunoco Logistics ▪ Drumright, OK

  • Driving a Class A Tractor Trailer to oil lease sites
  • Hauling an oil tanker
  • Performing pre- and post-trip inspections
  • Performing A-Maintenance on truck and trailer
  • When necessary, maintaining a CDL log book


Truck Driver ▪ 7/8/2011 - 1/16/2012

Crete Carrier Corporation ▪ Lincoln, NE

  • Driving a Class A Tractor Trailer on a dedicated route for the Wal-Mart Distribution Center in Bartlesville, OK
  • Hauling refrigerated units and dry box
  • Performing pre- and post-trip inspections
  • Backing up to multiple docks (3 to 6 docks a day) and helping unload truck at multiple stops
  • Maintaining a CDL log book


Cement Bulk Driver ▪ 4/18/2011 - 6/12/2011

Halliburton Energy Services ▪ Hugoton, KS

  • Driving a Class A tractor/trailer oil field cement bulk truck
  • Operating the pump on a cement bulk truck
  • Responsible for helping rig-up and rig-down operations
  • Finding oil field lease locations
  • Maintaining a CDL log book
  • Performing pre- and post-trip inspections


Operating Member/Partner ▪ 12/15/2004 - 2/14/2011

D.L. Rogers LLC (Sonic Drive-in) ▪ Bartlesville, OK

  • Complete management responsibility of the operation, human resources, payroll, and inventory management
  • Human Resources
  • Payroll
  • Inventory management
  • Promoted from Assistant Manager to Co-Manager 6 months after I started (07-01-05)
  • Promoted from Co-Manager to Operating Member/Partner (20% Owner) after 4 years (02-28-09)
  • Nominated for the Rookie of the Year Honor from the Oklahoma region for the year 2009


Group Manager ▪ 4/01/2004 - 11/30/2004

Duckwall's ▪ Meade, KS

  • Night management
  • Cash handling
  • Employee supervision
  • Inventory management


Construction Worker ▪ 2001- 2003

Sallee Construction ▪ Liberal, KS

  • General construction work
  • Insulation blowing
  • Roof shingling
  • Odd jobs



  • Capable of teaching the Scriptures
  • People skills
  • Management ability
  • Work well with youth
  • Computer skills
  • Motivational skills
  • Speaking skills
  • Licensed CDL driver
  • Certified volunteer for the Oklahoma Department of Corrections - Certification is out-of-date but can be renewed if needed
  • Experienced public speaker
  • Podcasting
  • Teaching for Online Academy of Biblical Studies
  • Licensed CDL driver
  • Proficient in using computers
  • Proficient in building computers
  • Proficient in repairing computers
  • Proficient in Logos Bible Software program
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office



World Bible Institute (1/15/2017 - 10/22/2017) 

  • Completed two courses—“Musical Instruments & New Testament Worship” and “Leading By The Book”


Heritage Christian University (8/1/2016 – 12/18/2016) 

  • Completed two courses—“Psychology I” and “Christian Ethics”


Brown Trail School of Preaching (1/7/2013 – 12/14/2014)

  • Graduated with Bible Degree
  • Earned straight A’s in all classes


Central Tech Truck Driving Program (2/15/2011 - 3/18/2011) 

  • Obtained Certificate of Achievement and P.T.D.I. Certification


York College (1999 - 2001)

  • Member of Sigma Tau and Activities Director

Canadian Valley Vo-tech Computer Repair Training (1996 - 1997)


Seward County Vo-tech Welding Training (1995 - 1996) 

  • Passed Oklahoma State Exam to become a Certified Welder



References available upon request